
Mysterious Letters

This is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. Michael Crowe and Lenka Clayton plan to write letters to everyone in the entire world. They have started by mailing personal handwritten letters, notes, and postcards to 467 households in the small Irish village of Cushendall. Nearly everyone in the village received something! It caused such a stir that BBC Newsline actually picked up the story. The two artists are now documenting the project on their blog, Mysterious Letters.

michael crowe lenka clayton mysterious letters project artist art cushendall

michael crowe lenka clayton mysterious letters project artist art cushendall

michael crowe lenka clayton mysterious letters project artist art cushendall

michael crowe lenka clayton mysterious letters project artist art cushendall

michael crowe lenka clayton mysterious letters project artist art cushendall

michael crowe lenka clayton mysterious letters project artist art cushendall

via: swissmiss

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