
Vancouver 2010 / Giveaway Winner

And the winner of the 2010 Olympics Hockey Semi-Final tickets is…

vancouver 2010 olympics mens hockey ticket giveaway winner

vancouver 2010 olympics mens hockey ticket giveaway winner

Devan Patrick Reynolds! Congratulations, you have won the tickets! I’ll contact you today so I can get you your prize.

I just want to assure everyone that Devan was picked totally at random – everyone who entered the giveaway was assigned a number and I used Random.org to generate the winning number. I was kinda hoping one of my friends might win the tickets and take me (yeah right) but I’m glad they went to someone I don’t know at all! Have fun Devan!

Thanks to everyone who participated, some really classic jerseys out there (Levi, Caitlin, Rick). Super bonus points to Bernice for not wearing any pants and to William “Bad Billy” James for making his jersey out of a dish cloth and duct tape.

I am sorry I only had the one pair of tickets to give away! I’ll make it up to you! There will be another totally non-Olympic giveaway starting oh maybe tomorrow?

vancouver 2010 olympics mens hockey ticket giveaway winner

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