
Hack Job

Introducing “Hack Job”, our new project with Converse Skateboarding!

converse hack job skateboard project

In a lot of ways this is a continuation of our “Little Drifters” project with The Vancouver Sun. This time however, we’re building awesome skateboards out of any random materials we can get our hands on! I hacked together the skateboard you see here with a roofing tile, a pair of scissors, and some pine cones.

This project is open to anyone in any country: skateboarders, non-skateboarders, art students, cheerleaders, world leaders, gas station attendants, hobbits, anyone excited to create!

Here’s what you gotta do:

1. Locate some building materials. Keep in mind your skateboard can be functional or totally non-functional. This means you could use wood, but you could also use pancakes, or human hair!

2. Build a skateboard out of your materials.

3. Snap a photo of your amazing creation. If it is ride-able, shoot a video of yourself riding it! (Jump to the :30 mark of this amazing video to see an electric guitar turned into a skateboard!!!)

4. E-mail your photo and/or a youtube link to: [email protected] with “Hack Job” in the subject line.

5. High-five yourself.

There will be an online gallery, and as a little bonus, my friends at Converse will give away shoes to the 5 most creative submissions!

Deadline for submissions: September 10th 2010.

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