
The Funniest Kyle Mooney Youtube Videos: This guy will save SNL

Kyle Mooney: The guy who will save SNL

Every year people complain about Saturday Night Live. They say things like, it was waay funnier before! This sucks! All the funniest people have left! I’m gonna go work out!

I’m actually excited about SNL this year because they’ve added a guy named Kyle Mooney. His debut last weekend was hilarious and afterwards I went on Youtube to look for more of his work. I realised later that my friend Levi had shown me some of his videos last year.

This is a little outside the realm of what I normally post but this guy is breaking new ground creatively. GQ recently wrote about him, posting their favourite Youtube clips, but they totally missed his funniest work! So here’s my list:


“The Funniest Kyle Mooney Youtube Videos”



One of Kyle’s characters is a comedian named Bruce Chandling, this is the character that he got to debut on SNL last weekend. In this clip Bruce does some incredible voiceover work. In my opinion, this is one of the funniest videos on the Internet.


See the rest below!


Kyle often does field reporting at random events. Here he is at a reptile tradeshow. “Let’s talk to the people to see if they’re real the best creatures for reptiles in this year.”



“420 Disaster”

This clip features a dude at a concert super ready to smoke a joint. This was also on GQ’s list. “Pass that here, dude”.




This was the first Kyle Mooney video I watched, a year or so ago. It features a guy who is really passionate about sports. The end of this video makes me laugh every time.




“THIS PLACE WAS GONNA BE SICK!!!!” This also on GQ’s list, so they got 2 right.


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