
Booooooom Sticker Project


Two weeks ago we launched a vinyl sticker project with Stickerobot Custom Stickers, an early supporter of Booooooom. If you missed the instructions, it’s really simple: Create a sticker with the word Booooooom incorporated in it (even if its extremely tiny) and submit it here.

We’ll be picking 3 designs and sending each person 500 of the stickers. We won’t be selling your designs, we will be giving them away to people at events, and they’ll all be back printed with your contact info. It’s meant to be a fun way for us to promote you!

There have been so many great designs submitted so far, I particularly like this one above designed by illustrator Lauren YS. There’s one more week left to submit!




Having said all that, you may not interested in making a sticker for us, and may want to just make your own. If that’s the case, a little heads up that Sticker Robot is currently offering 500 free stickers on every white vinyl sticker order of 1,000. There’s no limit so say you order 10,000 you’ll get 15,000. The offer is vaild until November 30th.


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