
Booooooom Sticker Project: Winners!

Submission by Ghosttthead


Submission by Evan Weinstein



Submission by Sam Octigan


Our sticker project with Stickerobot Custom Stickers has come to an end! There were so many fantastic submissions it was really difficult (impossible) to choose just 3 winners. We really wanted to reward people who created things specifically for this project and also took into consideration what would print well as an actual sticker.

Here are the 3 sticker designs we chose! Each of you will receive 500 of your sticker back printed with a blurb about you and your contact information. We won’t be selling your designs, we will be giving them away to people, these are meant to be a fun way for us to promote you!

Thank you, once again, for all the incredible submissions! You can see them all here.

Just a reminder that our friends at Sticker Robot are currently offering 500 free stickers on every white vinyl sticker order of 1,000. There’s no limit so say you order 10,000 you’ll get 15,000. The offer is vaild until November 30th.

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