
TIME Picks 10 Most Influential Photos of 2014

time-magazine-top201404Photo by Ellen DeGeneres (technically a selfie by Bradley Cooper). Hollywood, California. Became the most re-tweeted photo in history.


time-magazine-top201401Photo by Thomas van Houtryve. House boats on Lake Oroville, California. The lake is 70% empty due to California’s severe drought.


time-magazine-top201402Photo by Nikita Dudnik. Sudden hail storm in Novosibirsk Russia.


time-magazine-top201403Photo by Massimo Sestini (from a helicopter). He spent 12 days aboard an Italian Navy ship as it rescued migrants between Africa and Malta.

TIME has selected ten images, from thousands, that they felt were the most influential this year. Warning: some of the images are graphic. You can see their full list, and read about each image in greater detail here.

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