
A Way To Go is an impressive online experience that demonstrates the potential of future creativity, combining interactive 3D video, animation, illustration and (if you have a headset), virtual reality, recommended to everyone.

Put together by Vincent Morisset, Caroline Robert, Édouard Lanctôt-Benoit and produced by the National Film Board of Canada, this work was included in the interactive section of the most recent Sundance Film Festival. You are an anonymous character who can either walk or run in a woods setting, maybe stop to look around and examine the surroundings. From scene to scene, your mouse clicks perform various effects from the visual to the audio. Here, animation is not a passive experience and you have some sense of agency, all of this put together using current web technology.

You have to check this out for yourself – you need to use the Google Chrome web browser, put look around, play around, and have fun here.

2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards

Calling all illustrators! We’re launching our first-ever Booooooom Illustration Awards! Learn more and submit now!

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