
Inspiration Overload of the Day: The Crazy Inventions of Dominic Wilcox


“The Reinvention of Normal” is a fantastic little profile of artist, inventor, designer Dominic Wilcox. In the image above you can see a device he invented which allows him to use his right ear to hear what’s on his left, and use his left ear to hear what’s on his right. This is just one of the many brilliantly silly inventions he created as part of a project to make something creative every day for 30 days. Other creations include: toothbrush maracas, an umbrella that waters plants, and a soccer ball that mixes a smoothie.

I like to keep videos like this bookmarked for whenever I’m having a creative block. Everything he says is mind expanding, this is highly recommended viewing! Watch the artist profile below.


Directed & Produced by Liam Saint-Pierre:

Dominic Wilcox’s Blog:

Dominic’s book ‘Variations on Normal’ :

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