
Hayao Miyazaki Un-retires

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Studio Ghibli founder and iconic animator Hayao Miyazaki is working on a 3D animation about a caterpillar named Boro! The only hitch: the ten minute short will take about three years to make. And once it’s finished it’ll be screening exclusively at the Studio Ghibli museum in Japan.

“I intend to work until the day I die. I retired from feature-length films but not from animation. Self-indulgent animation,” he said at the time in reference to his short films for the Ghibli Museum. He added then that while neither CG animation or hand-drawn animation is better than the other, he fears the latter is dying.

“I think talent decides everything. More than the method, what’s important is the talent using it. There’s nothing inherently wrong or right about a method, whether it be pencil drawings or 3-D CG. Pencil drawings don’t have to go away, but those who continue to use the medium lack talent. So sadly, it will fade away” – Hayao Miyazaki (source)

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