
Video Portrait: A Conversation with Walter Murch


Really enjoyed this portrait of Walter Murch by Swiss director, Niccolò Castelli. Walter Murch has been my idol since I studied film editing at school. He actually spoke at my graduation, and when I was supposed to cross the stage to get my degree I turned and walked over to him and asked if I could shake his hand instead. Everyone laughed at me but it totally was worth it.

Walter Murch is perhaps best known for his editing work on The Conversation, Apocalypse Now, and The English Patient, but he also directed the scariest film I saw as a kid, Return to Oz (one of my favourite movies). If you love film I highly recommend the book The Conversations, which is essentially a series of mind-expanding conversations between him and writer Michael Ondaatje.

I could talk about him forever, so you should just check out the video below!


Niccolò Castelli’s Website

Walter Murch on IMDB

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