
Free Learning of the Day: Skillshare Classes


This is for all you aspiring photographers, illustrators, and type designers out there! We’ve teamed up with Skillshare to offer you 1 month of unlimited access to all their creative classes, for $0. Free. You can sign up here for a premium account: Booooooom + Skillshare 30-day extended trial.

I’ve been personally trying out some of their classes and I just blazed through this great class on designing a single letter: “One Drop Cap Letterform at a Time” by the amazing Jessica Hische (I’ll always refer to her as the one who did that fantastic Moonrise Kingdom type). She has so many useful tips in this, especially when she talks about properly using handlebars and plotting points in Illustrator.

From what I’ve seen so far these classes are a great way to brush up on something you may have learned a long time ago or a chance to learn something completely new. Full disclosure: Skillshare did not pay us to make this post, however if you sign up through this link it will support our site! Absolutely no pressure to do so – I still recommend their site as a worthwhile resource even if you don’t use our link!

You can watch a preview of Jessica Hische’s class below!

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