
Exclusive Deal for Booooooom Readers: 3 Months of Skillshare Premium Classes


We’re teaming up with Skillshare once again to offer a special deal for all you Booooooom readers! 3 months of Skillshare Premium for $0.99. This gives you access to literally thousands of classes, many of which are even taught by artists we’ve featured on Booooooom.

You might wanna check out acclaimed designer Aaron Draplin’s brand new hour-long Skillshare class called “Designing in Circles: Packing Type & Icons Into a Simple Shape”. It’s recommended viewing for any graphic designers out there who wanna get better at Illustrator. Learn about hierarchy, line-weight, graphic balance, lots of tips and tricks in here. Draplin says his buddies tell him not to reveal all his secrets but he likes to share the wealth.

If you’re interested in trying it out, I wanna mention that signing up through our special landing page does support us! No pressure though! You can watch the introduction video for Aaron Draplin’s latest class below!

An Online Skillshare Class by Aaron Draplin

Click here to redeem the Booooooom promo code of 3 months of Skillshare for $0.99 and get unlimited access to Draplin’s class as well as 3000+ others.

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