
Pattern — The Simple Drawing App Every Designer Has Been Waiting For


Pattern is a fantastic little iPad app (available in the App Store as of today) created by former Facebook product designer Andy Chung, specifically for the purpose of ideation and early stage design. Its simple tools and charming interface feel equal parts whiteboard and grid paper.

I love this app! You can see in the video clip below just how beautifully considered it is. Everything feels natural and intuitive, and it makes creating with the Apple Pencil and gestures fast and fun. A web layout with notes scrawled over it, literally takes seconds.



Andy has given us 5 promo codes to download Pattern for free! We’ll hook up the first 3 people who leave a comment here telling us what crazy thing you hope it will help you design.

At the end of the day we’ll also pick 2 more people from all the comments to also receive the promo codes (I may pick the funniest two answers, just saying).

Hit the button below and scroll to the bottom of this post to leave a comment! There’s a few more images of the app down there as well.












Pattern App Website

Pattern on App Store


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