
Collection of Trippy and Strangely Satisfying Videos + Gifs (with no CGI)


Dry erase marker reacting to water


Lately I’ve been collecting videos that look like computer-generated imagery (CGI) but are actually real. There are art installations, optical illusions, science experiments, and a lot of clips where someone is filming something completely normal but because of the lighting or the camera shutter (in the case of the helicopter clip) the results look surreal.

I also have a very nerdy love of magic so maybe that’s actually the common thread here; perception versus reality. If you have suggestions for other videos that fit this theme please leave a comment, I’d love to keep adding to this collection. Shout out to r/woahdude.

Have a look at the videos below and you’ll get the idea! May need to give it a second to load!

The pattern on this guy’s plaid shirt seemingly changed depending on the color of the light in the room.


Soldiers doing the wave


Round and round it goes



Antoine Terrieux’s Incredible Hair Dryer Installations


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