Jeff Hamada, Canal 180 interview

Canal180: Life Beyond Our Screens

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of attending 180 Creative Camp, an inspiring 8-day media arts festival hosted by Canal180 in Abrantes, Portugal. I was one of the keynote speakers along with Andres Colmenares (Internet Age Media), Antonia Folguera (Sónar), and Chris Unwin (The Creator Class). You can listen to each speaker share a few thoughts in the video below—and if you ever get the chance to go to Portugal, do it! What an amazing place!



 Antonia Folguera (Sónar)
Antonia Folguera (Sónar)



Chris Unwin (The Creator Class)
Chris Unwin (The Creator Class)



Andres Colmenares (Internet Age Media)
Andres Colmenares (Internet Age Media)



Chris Unwin and Jeff Hamada speaking at 180 Creative Camp
Chris Unwin and Jeff Hamada speaking at 180 Creative Camp



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Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!

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