Shawn Huckins

“Fool’s Gold” by Artist Shawn Huckins

New work by Colorado-based artist Shawn Huckins (previously featured here). While initially appearing like digital alterations, Huckins’ latest series is actually made up of hand-painted erasure marks superimposed onto recreations from the White House Art Collection. Raising issues of history, and its potential obliteration, Huckins questions one’s ability to leave a lasting mark on the world anymore, especially in light of the current administration and the temptation to re-create reality with the click of a button or impromptu tweet. As he states:

“In an era where the internet makes everyone a publisher, and digital editing tools bestow the power to create realities out of pixels, The Erasures forces us to examine our assumptions regarding the longevity of individual influence and institutions, thus raising enormous questions concerning the fragility of legacy.”

See more images from “Fool’s Gold” below or on display at Modernism Gallery in San Francisco July 11 – September 8.

Shawn Huckins
“Nothing Rhymes With Orange” (George Washington, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 5)



Shawn Huckins
“If Only I Could Remember Your Name” (Mary Elizabeth Woodbury, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 8)



Shawn Huckins
“The Most Beautiful Place Is Far From Here” (Rocky Mountain Scene, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 16)



Shawn Huckins
“My Button Is Bigger Than Your Button” (Marquis De Lafayette, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 7)



Shawn Huckins
“Planet B” (Pastoral Landscape, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 6)



Shawn Huckins
“Me, Myself, And Hypocrisy” (George Washington, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 13)



Shawn Huckins
“Tell It Like It Was” (First Lady Caroline Harrison, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 3)



Shawn Huckins
“He Said. She Said. She Said.” (Julia Gardiner Tyler, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 18)



Shawn Huckins
“Loneliness Of Leaker” (John Adams, White House Art Collection Erasure No. 20)



Shawn Huckins’ Website

Shawn Huckins on Instagram

Via Colossal

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