
Camera Stories: Pat Valade and his Olympus MJU II (Stylus Epic)

Camera Stories is an on-going series where we ask photographers to tell us about their favourite camera, and give us the story behind one image they captured with it. This instalment features Vancouver-based photographer Pat Valade.

Pat Valade

Keep it small and simple. The Olympus Stylus Epic. I’ve been shooting with a point and shoot like this for years, this is probably my fourth one after breaking a few.

Pat Valade

This was taken during a winter storm on the Sea Wall in Vancouver. The seawall was closed, but a friend and I bike down through Stanley park to see if there was any flooding. We spend a good hour watching the waves crash up against the wall while I danced madly backwards and forwards shooting a full roll with a flash trying to freeze wave. It was quite funny now that I think about it, using such a small camera to try and freeze something like one of these waves.


Pat Valade on Instagram

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