
Book Giveaway: “Anonymous” by Photographer Anthony Tafuro

A visual exploration of renowned hacktivist group, Anonymous, by Brooklyn-based photographer Anthony Tafuro (previously featured here). Following from BA.KU. (2015), which followed a balaclava-clad skateboard crew in Vancouver, Tafuro’s latest publication with powerHouse Books is based on a years-long project driven by his own fascination with the subversive international network as well as the very idea of masked portraits. That is, how removing conventional markers of identity, works to draw more attention to that individual’s actions.

Since 2013, thousands have been gathering in cities around the world every Novemver 5th to take part in the Million Mask March — an event that allows ordinary citizens to share in the groups efforts and keep the legacy of Guy Fawkes alive. In addition to documenting these marches, Tafuro also gained access to various Internet gatherings and behind-the-scenes meetings. See more images from the fascinating project below or check out Anonymous: Million Masks available from powerHouse Books now!

We also have 2 copies to give away. Details below.


How To Enter:

  • Subscribe to our giveaway newsletter here (we’ll be announcing winners in our newsletter – if you like free stuff this is where we hook you up)
  • Leave a comment below and tell us what your alias would be if you were a hacker.


This giveaway is open to residents in North America and Europe. We’ll pick winners in a week!


















Anthony Tafuro’s Website

Anthony Tafuro at powerHouse Books

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