
Booooooom TV Best of the Week: Music Videos, Short Films & Animation

A round-up of our favourite videos featured on Booooooom TV. Whether it’s the utter joy of birds on parade or the mind-numbing regret of a deadly prank, this week’s selection represents a range of filmmakers exploring an even wider range of styles and emotions. 

Tōth – “No Reason”

Massachusetts-born, Los Angeles-based artist Amanda Bonaiuto offers up some happiness for no reason with this delightful hand-drawn animation.

“Nobody Knows” by Nolan Wilson Goff

A quiet high schooler reckons with the guilt of his brother’s death in this wonderful portrait of small town life by writer and director Nolan Wilson Goff.

MK – “Back & Forth”

Director Finn Keenan brilliantly pokes fun at the over-the-top editing that plagues most pop videos with this outrageous, narrative-driven piece for MK.

Yellow Days – “How Can I Love You”

A deep dive into Yellow Days’s subconscious by London-based director Jamie Whitby. Created using a robotic arm and multiple passes over the same stage. Kudos to Whitby’s production designer, Jabez Bartlett, for constructing 10 sets in a single day!

These are just a few of the wonderful submissions we’ve featured on Booooooom TV in the past week. If you have films/videos you’d like to submit, head over here.

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