
Booooooom TV Best of the Week: Music Videos, Short Films & Animation

A round-up of our favourite videos featured on Booooooom TV. This week’s selection includes a variety of projects each exploring the subtle realities and abstract complexities of our lives in their own, wonderfully unique ways!

Jordan Klassen – “Virtuous Circle”

Vancouver-based director Farhad Ghaderi and production company BOLDLY follow the volatile relationship between a young boy and his self-destructive older brother in this beautifully shot video for singer-songwriter Jordan Klassen.

“Palm Trees and Power Lines” by Jamie Dack

An almost painfully realistic depiction of adolescence by Brooklyn-based writer-director Jamie Dack (previously featured here).

“The Man Who Traveled Nowhere in Time” by Kyra Jean Green & Vincent René-Lortie

Made in collaboration with Montréal-based dance company Trip The Light Fantastic, “The Man Who Traveled Nowhere in Time” sees dancer-choreographer Kyra Jean Green and director Vincent René-Lortie take on the individuality of our perceptions of time with a poetic meditation on the idea of a man who only exists in the dreams and unconscious minds of others.

“CRvM” by Justin Carlson & Alex Nicholson

Love this portrait of artist Christian Rex van Minnen by directors Justin Carlson and Alex Nicholson. The first in a series of short experimental documentaries, “CRvM” follows van Minnen through his physical studio space as well as his unique “headspace.”

These are just a few of the wonderful submissions we’ve featured on Booooooom TV in the past week. If you have films/videos you’d like to submit, head over here!

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