
Booooooom TV Best of the Week: Music Videos, Short Films & Animation

A round-up of our favourite videos featured on Booooooom TV. This week’s selection includes an array of dynamic projects exploring a range of themes, from the surreal to the devastatingly real!

“Nursery Rhymes” by Goono

A brilliant and unexpectedly moving short from director Tom Noakes and writer-producer Will Goodfellow of Sydney-based studio Goono.

Kite Park – “Bongo”

Dutch filmmaker and photographer Danny Griffioen embarks on a nostalgic road trip through the Korean countryside in this video for Kite Park’s track with JNKYRD.

“Bye Cookie” by Samuel Morris

A lovely visualization of lost love by Swiss director Samuel Morris, based on Jaques Prévert’s poem “Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau.”

“Queen Harold” by Balan Evans

London-based filmmaker Balan Evans pays tribute to the strength of the LGBTQ community in Sierra Leone, a country where homosexuality is still illegal.

These are just a few of the excellent submissions we’ve featured on Booooooom TV in the past week. If you have a project you’d like to submit, head over here!

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