Daniel Martin

Artist Spotlight: Daniel Martin

A selection of work by artist Daniel Martin from the Netherlands. Playing with processes of deformation and recreation, Martin is interested in the transmutation of matter and how that alters our perception of what is possible or true. His sculptural paintings often incorporate cut-up fragments and found objects, (re)assembled into a coherent whole, as a way of deconstructing the idea of a natural truth or shape to an object. As he states:

“I look a lot at nature and symbolism. Ancient cultures have a clear visible connection to nature as their pictorial language has direct ties to it. A lot of shapes I use are derived from them. I use these shapes as building blocks, or elements as I call them, to re-configure them into coherent shape to show a untruth in reality, as perception and matter can be molded. My process is non-linear and I always like to let things happen. By doing so nature and it’s laws are my biggest companions as they dictate the outcome of me combining materials. These outcomes serve as a visual library I work with.”

Check out more of Martin’s work below!

Daniel Martin



Daniel Martin



Daniel Martin



Daniel Martin



Daniel Martin



Daniel Martin



Daniel Martin on Instagram

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