
Photographer Spotlight: Mikaela Lungulov-Klotz

Brooklyn, New York-based photographer Mikaela Lungulov-Klotz and her twin sister were born in New York to a Chilean mother and a Serbian father, growing up between Chile, the United States and Serbia. When her twin, Vuk, came out as a trans man, Lungulov-Klotz chose to photograph his subsequent transition. She explains:

“These pictures explore what this transition means in regards to our relationship as twins and our identities, what it means to care for someone, to listen, to respect, and to trust. . . I’d like for these [pictures] to transmit my wide eyes and awe for my brother, and my curiosity in regards to the comforts that accepted structures within relationships provide for us. I’d like to examine the power structures that the notions we’ve constructed about each other provide and perpetuate, and why perpetuating seems to be easier than rupturing.”

See more from Mikaela Lungulov-Klotz below!

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