
We want to hear from you!

For anyone who might have missed this week’s edition of our Secret Email Club, we want to fill you all in! We’re going to be making a few changes around here over the coming months, but before we do anything we’d love to get some feedback from you!

We wanna know what you like about Booooooom and what you don’t, and if you’re brutally honest it will help us improve and evolve. We want you to love being a part of this community, not feel lukewarm about it. We want to spend our time doing things that actually benefit you and wave goodbye to anything that doesn’t. So if you want to have a say in our future (your future), this is your chance.

Our 2020 Audience Questionnaire will take less than 10 minutes to complete and your answers will directly affect decisions we make in the coming months!


Booooooom Swag Pack (Hatcamera strapDiamond logo t-shirt, stickers)
Assorted Booooooom stickers

As a little bonus, anyone who does the survey and wants to be entered to win a Booooooom Swag Pack, you’ll have the option to leave your email in the questionnaire (you can totally stay anonymous, we just won’t be able to send you a prize). As a little bonus for anyone who completes it, we’re giving you a code to get a FREE STICKER PACK (just pay a couple bucks shipping)!

Thanks again for being part of this! Lots of good things on the way!


Hand drawn logo by artist Mark Todd


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