
Stories That Never Stand Still

If you’re an OG Booooooom reader you may remember how much I love the kids magazine, Anorak. The folks behind it, Studio Anorak, have just released a little book celebrating the positives of having an ADHD brain. All the illustrations were done by artists who have ADHD themselves! One of our talented members, Graeme Zirk, did a bunch of art for it, our boy Andy J. Pizza too! Elise Gravel did the cover, Yvonne Keesman, a ton of people. The best part is the book is being distributed for FREE in secondary schools and available to download here.


Art by Andy J. Pizza
Art by Andy J. Pizza
Art by Graeme Zirk
Art by Graeme Zirk
Art by Graeme Zirk
Art by Yvonne Keesman
Art by Bob Jones

Booooooom Shop: Tomorrow’s Talent 4

Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!

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Call to Submit: Array 3

Calling all artists, photographers and illustrations! Our third issue of "Array" is now open for Submissions!

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