
“Love and Anguish” by Photographer Kristina Borinskaya

A selection of images from “Love and Anguish” by Palermo, Italy-based photographer Kristina Borinskaya. Taken over the course of the past two years, “Love and Anguish” is an exploration of the complexity of human relationships. Borinskaya photographs herself both alone and with her partner, with an interest in the ways in which, as she describes, “a private world has the capacity to reveal the collective experience.”

Through her staged photographs, Borinskaya begs the questions: “What keeps two people together, and what drives them away? What does it really mean to love someone?” The work, she explains, “seeks to arouse viewers discomfort, compassion and their own lived experience, revealing, through unmediated honesty, anxieties, desire, fears but also joys and pleasures inherent to all human beings.”

See more from “Love and Anguish” below.

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