
“The 13th Spring” by Photographer Aaron Hardin

The release of his upcoming photobook, “The 13th Spring”, has been a long time coming for Jackson, Tennessee-based photographer and educator Aaron Hardin. Made during the time surrounding his daughter’s birth, the images represent a transitional season of life for Hardin. “Much like now, my daily life was filled with anxiety as I contemplated my daughter’s birth,” he explains, and hopes that the photobook might provide some solace during the heavy times we currently find ourselves in.

An MFA graduate of the Hartford Art School International Limited Residency Program, Hardin is currently the Assistant Professor of Visual Communication at Union University. He also curates The Coalescence; a non-profit gallery utilizing vacant downtown shop fronts to show socially-minded artworks.

A kickstarter in support of production of “The 13th Spring” is now live, with book pre-orders and prints available. Check it out here!

See more from “The 13th Spring” below.

"My daughter was born on the thirteenth spring. Her cries were met by the deafening surge of the cicadas’ song. I wonder if she’ll end up marred like me and my father. When the cicadas return, she’ll be a teenager and I’ll be grayed and worn."

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