
Booooooom Portfolio Reviews

This month we’re gonna try something new and offer some one on one portfolio reviews via Zoom. If you’re looking for some constructive feedback or a new perspective on your work, hit the link below to apply. This is a free opportunity for all our members (if you’re not a member you can learn more here). Each week we’ll select applicants and schedule them for 30-minute reviews which will take place on Wednesdays between 11am—4pm PST.

I’ll be personally doing all the reviews so there will be a limit on how many I can do. For those of you who are new around here, I’m the Editor-in-Chief of Booooooom and I’ve spent the past 12 years looking at work by emerging artists. I’ve curated shows for galleries in North America and Asia, and recently served as a curator for the Capture Photography Festival and the Vancouver Mural Festival. I previously adjudicated the Sony World Photography Awards and Vimeo’s Best of the Year Awards, and I’m currently on the Emerging Artist Committee for the Burrard Arts Foundation, here in Vancouver.

All this is to say I’m passionate about art in many forms and would love to help as many of you artists and photographers out there figure out your next steps. If you want to sign up for a portfolio review, hit the button below! You will be able to submit up to 15 images.


**Due to the overwhelming response we have now closed the sign up form. Thank you to everyone who applied!**

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