
“Down a Stream” by Photographer Jenica Heintzelman

Jenica Heintzelman is a Guatemalan-American photographer born and raised in a suburb of Orlando, Florida and currently based in Brooklyn, New York. A recent MFA grad from the Hartford Art School’s International Limited-Residency program, Heintzelman explores themes of vulnerability, familial relationships and healing with her work. 

Her most recent series and photobook, “Down a Stream,” explores mind-body interventions such as hypnotherapy and restorative contact as modalities for healing from trauma. “Stemming from my own participation in these therapies, I became fascinated with the role of performance and belief in the healing process,” Heintzelman explains. She reenacts these experiences, photographing the process. The resulting images are disorienting and uncomfortable, mirroring, as Heintzelman describes, “how the healing process can be unsettling and perhaps never fully complete.”

See more from “Down a Stream” below!

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