
“Non so dare un nome a quell’estate” by Photographer Leandro Colantoni

Leandro Colantoni is an Italian photographer based in Sicily. Inspired by the work of Luigi Ghirri and the Italian landscape school, Colantoni started taking pictures back in 2015, after studying an old Kodak book from the 90’s that he discovered at his family home. Taking cues from the visual language of amateur photography, he documents the world around him, focusing on the landscapes and culture of Sicily.

“Non so dare un nome a quell’estate” is a collection of photographs taken between July and September 2020. Colantoni describes this summer as an unusual one—”a period lived between distances, fear and uncertainties but with the enormous collective desire to return to normality.” After weeks of isolation spent in a provincial apartment, the series represents his experience back in the outside world during what he describes as “a strange and surreal summer, which I still can’t give a name to today.”

See more from Leandro Colantoni below!

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