
“Summer, Farewell” by Photographer Joanna Wzorek

Originally from Poland, photographer Joanna Wzorek is currently based in London. Her most recent project, “Summer, Farewell,” is an homage to her motherland. “With this series I tried to answer the feelings I’ve had throughout the pandemic and first lockdowns when traveling was banned,” she explains. While stuck in London, she came up with the idea to create a body of work that would be seen as a sort of post card from Poland. Once the restrictions were lifted, she spent the summer traveling through Poland, photographing its landscape, people, and farm animals. “The outcome is a very distorted, romanticized version of my motherland based on my childhood memories from summertime spent in Poland. The project reflects also on the meaning of patriotism and tries to reclaim the positive meaning of that word.”

See more from “Summer, Farewell” below!

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