
“Portraits” by Photographer Joachim Mueller-Ruchholtz

Photographer Joachim Mueller-Ruchholtz photographs off duty male models in his “Portraits” series. Published as a photobook by Palm* Studios in 2018, the project takes us out of the fashion world and into the homes, hotels, and everyday lives of his subjects. Taken between 2016 and 2018, Mueller-Ruchholtz’s portraits feature models cast from Eva Gödel’s agency, Tomorrow Is Another Day. In an excerpt from the book, writer Lucy Kumara Moore asks: “Are they boys or are they men? They’re caught between worlds – between adolescence and adulthood, the ordinary and the luxurious, the known and the new (some of them were travelling out of their home towns for the first time for their TIAD assignments). And it’s during this in-between moment that identities are formed.”

See more from “Portraits” below!

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