
“Les rochers fauves” by Photographer Clement Chapillon

In his new series, “Les rochers fauves,” French photographer Clement Chapillon questions the notion of geographical and mental isolation on an island in the Aegean Sea, wondering: “What happens to identity when it is surrounded by water? If the word isolated literally means ‘taking the shape of an island,’ what shape does time, the other, beliefs, and the imaginary take in this finite world bordered by the infinite?”

See more from “Les rochers fauves” below!

“It is the center, isolated in the distance.

It is balanced between the sky and sea.

It is the radical and absolute origin.

It is a prison, elusive and luminous.

It is a space in which to loose oneself, to reveal oneself.

It is neither completely here, nor completely elsewhere.

The island is a fragment, an abbreviation of the world.”

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