
Artist Spotlight: Chris Huen Sin Kan

Born in Hong Kong, artist Chris Huen Sin Kan earned a BA in Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013, before relocating to London with his family in 2021. He describes this recent move as a significant moment for his art practice, marking a distinct visual shift in the content of his work, as he draws inspiration from his new surroundings. His large-scale oil paintings are a constellation of brush marks, often starring a cast of recurring characters, including his wife Haze, son Joel, daughter Tess, and dogs Balltsz, MuiMui, and Doodood. He describes his process as organic and haphazard, foregoing underdrawing and sketches in favor of a more intuitive approach. His technique, imbued with both deft abstraction and the hallmarks of traditional Chinese ink painting, involves layering one dab of paint over another until the pattern on the canvas “perfectly echoes the spirit of the scene”. Through this process, Huen hopes to discover the distance between appearances and our recognition of things.

See more from Chris Huen Sin Kan below!

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