
Photographer Spotlight: Zoë Waldman

Growing up, photographer Zoë Waldman moved frequently, experiencing life across North America and never feeling fully settled anywhere. Needing something to plant his feet into, he found the stability he was looking for in photography, which helped him to make sense of his ever-changing surroundings. “Like my own personal journal, I’ve been weaving a thread between everywhere I’ve lived or been,” he explains. “The disparate nature of my images is a search to find commonality in a sea of seemingly detached things. Everywhere, I’ve found that the similarities I come across are not so random afterall. I’m never looking for anything in particular – moments, things, people, they all become a blur. A good, meaningful blur. It’s a feeling of connectivity, and a genuine sense of where home is. Which for me, is always wherever I am.”

A collection of Waldman’s images will be released by Pomegranate Press as a photobook, “Unfolding Into Morning,” which will be available soon for pre-order.

See more from Zoë Waldman below!

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