
Artist Spotlight: Emily Furr

Juxtaposing the cosmic with the industrial, Brooklyn, New York-based artist Emily Furr blurs the line between nature and machine. Repeating motifs inhabit the frames of her paintings, set against backdrops of infinite outer space. “The floating landscapes are populated by sleek machines striding through space, seemingly impenetrable at first glance,” she explains. “Closer inspection reveals porosity and glimpses of disembodied flesh. White pills, pale and round as the moon, rest on the tongues. A war missile is chained to an orifice emerging from a plane. The universe is funneled and mechanized. These disconcerting moments confront our desire to impose our own order on nature’s already perfect system. We scorch the earth in a feeble attempt to control our destiny, and in the end gain nothing.”

See more from Emily Furr below!

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