
Artist Spotlight: Ákos Ezer

Hungarian artist Ákos Ezer describes his process of painting as a game, where the main objective is experimentation: trying out diverse painterly roles and exploring different aspects of the medium. “A picture is never homogeneous, because I never think alike about the various elements which build up my paintings,” he explains. Populated by young male characters embellished with contemporary and pop-cultural references, his eye-catching canvases contain jumbled masses of elongated limbs and brightly colored details.

“The surreal depictions of the painted bodies often take up the entire picture surface and in their linearity form a geometric frame that seems to constrain the persons depicted,” he elaborates. “With their stooped and twisted postures and the empty gazes, they appear like sad puppets of an invisible authority, which contrasts with the colorful and strong color palette of the paintings. I am inviting the viewers to recreate from the perspective of my very personal view of current social structures and interpersonal relations of my local and our global environments.”

See more from Ákos Ezer below!

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