ArtMixed Media

Artist Spotlight: Winnie Truong

Winnie Truong challenges the ideals of beauty in relation to the female form. Her practice consists of a labour intensive process that integrates colored pencil crayon and cut paper collage in the rendering of surreal imagery and fictional narrative. Truong’s process has evolved to include more play and dimensionality, pushing her two dimension forms toward the third dimension with constructed dioramas.

Teetering on the fine edge of the real and imaginary, her paper works abstractly take up ideas of nature and femininity, care and support, independence and interdependence. She calls her created beings, “Wimmin Creatures”, they defiantly look away from the viewer rejecting a gendered gaze through their own agency of concealment. Their bodies are imperfect and decidedly unapologetic.

See more from Winnie Truong below!

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