
“Şehir Fikri” by Photographer Ci Demi

With a background in literature and advertising, Turkish photographer Ci Demi didn’t find his way to photography until he was 28. After working as a photojournalist, covering social unrest in Turkey for some time, Demi decided to shift his photography pursuits more toward his personal curiosities, making stories about himself and his home city of İstanbul. He considers his work to be both documentary and deeply personal. In addition to his personal practice, Demi works as a photographer for various magazines and brands. 

Set to be published as a photobook in late 2022 by Onagöre, Demi’s latest project, “Şehir Fikri,” is inspired by Georges Perec’s “oulipo novel,” A Void, in which the letter E doesn’t appear once throughout the entire novel. Playing off of this theme of omission, Demi captures quiet moments in İstanbul, avoiding any hints of language, animals, or people. He says, “I call this body of work a ‘horror photobook’ because, even though all the pictures take place in the daytime, when the photos come together, they are unsettling.”

See more from “Şehir Fikri” below!

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