
To Hope Magazine

Curated by photographer Grant Lewandowski and published by Nighted Life, Сподіваюсь (To Hope) Magazine brings together images by 34 photographers, many of whom are Ukrainian, in support of the people of Ukraine. Featuring both photography and text, the project offers a stark contrast to the current reality of chaos, tragedy and war, with the anticipation of a peaceful and beautiful post-war Ukraine. To Hope strives toward that future—all proceeds from sales will go to Kyiv Angels and Livyi Bereh, two organizations providing support to Ukrainians affected by the war and those in desperate need on the eastern frontlines. The publication is available for pre-order now, and can be purchased HERE. See more from the project below!

(Cover photo © Katerina Kirtoka)

Sasha Maslov
Danil Kotlar

Sarah Blesener
Yelena Yemchuk

Alina Prisich
Daria Svertilova

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