
Artist Spotlight: Kristian Touborg

A selection of recent paintings by Denmark-born artist Kristian Touborg. Currently based in Copenhagen, Touborg paints with an acute sensitivity to the world around him. The works in his latest exhibition, “Dandelion,” offer renditions of light and shimmering surfaces that combine Touborg’s daily experiences with a computer-generated aesthetic. In Touborg’s view, what defines us as individuals is our acceptance of life’s fragility. However, rather than dwelling on the discomfort of this fundamental vulnerability and lack of control, Touborg sees this as the very impetus for creativity and the discovery of new processes. For Touborg, the ordinary isn’t just beautiful; the simple things in life, like family and our social ties, are precious and valuable:

“Dandelions can’t be found in flower shops. Instead, they sprout from cracks in the concrete gutter and as weeds in well-maintained gardens, an outsider flower, unpolished yet particularly delicate and authentic. I find them utterly alluring because of their honest and naked presence —wherever they can grow, they will— natural and tireless, insisting on making us see the fragile beauty in the rough ordinary. Something about them resonates very clearly with what I am trying to do as a painter.”

See more images below or check out “Dandelion” on display at Newchild Gallery in Belgium until March 16!



















































Kristian Touborg’s Website

Kristian Touborg on Instagram

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