
“The Idiot” by Artist Mel Arzamarski

A selection of paintings by Connecticut-based artist Mel Arzamarski (previously featured here). Filtering the “real world” through her own conspiratorial lens and dry sense of humour, Arzamarski presents a dreamlike version of reality that highlights the enigmatic and absurd nature of everyday life. Arzamarski was raised on TV, films, video games, and comic books — the influence of which can be seen in the fusion of Surrealism and Pop Art strategies she deploys, as well as the way her work blurs the boundaries between fiction and reality. Tending toward moments on the edge of consciousness, Arzamarski’s work reflects an artist in search of a deeper reality.

Check out more from “The Idiot” below or on display at Shin Haus Gallery in New York from April 28 to May 27.















Mel Arzamarski’s Website

Mel Arzamarski on Instagram

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