
“Sehnsucht” by Photographer Jennilee Marigomen

Vancouver-based photographer Jennilee Marigomen extends her ongoing examination of everyday phenomena into the realm of the ephemeral. Her latest exhibition, “Sehnsucht,” captures fleeting moments of human intervention and introspection, providing a unique perspective on the transient and ever-changing landscape that often go unnoticed in our busy lives. A delicate dance between stillness and time, Marigomen uses light, reflections, and colour to evoke a sense of quiet contemplation:

“A friend introduced me to the meaning of Sehnsucht, a German noun that represents the feelings about the facets of life that are unfinished and imperfect, paired with an intense longing for more ideal outcomes. The photos are a hopeful observation of the state of the environment and the crossroads we are at, simultaneously trying to bridge our connection to nature, and our impact on it. Straddling between optimism and melancholy, the photos are a search for beauty, life, and silver linings while coming to terms with the fact that some of these desires may be unattainable.”

This exhibition is part of the 2024 Capture Photography Festival Selected Exhibitions Program. See more images below or on display at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden from April 18th until July 17th. Click here to access the RSVP link.















Jennilee Marigomen’s Website

Jennilee Marigomen on Instagram

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