
“Daily Date” Series by Illustrator Jennet Liaw

A series of daily morning practices by illustrator and designer Jennet Liaw. Inspired by a fascination for symbolism and sparking connection through design, Liaw’s work has many offshoots. Whether in apparel or spatial design, her interest lies in creating plot twists within familiar iconography mainly through the lens of typography and bold illustration. Her “daily date” series emerged from a morning practice Liaw started as a way of getting ink to paper without feeling pressure. The task: simply write the date. With this prompt she gave herself 15-30 minutes to produce something imperfect with just pen and paper.

“Anyone who lives as a busy creative professional runs the risk of ideating only at a higher level, resulting in days or weeks without building on the small ideas that really get our juices flowing. Additionally, the pandemic of being precious with what we share online can be paralyzing. So for someone who is on the meticulous side, routinely sharing an often illegible result, and moving on, might just be what the doctor ordered.”



























































Jennet Liaw’s Website

Jennet Liaw on Instagram

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