
Artist Spotlight: Owen Gent

Graphite drawings by Bristol-based artist and illustrator Owen Gent (previously featured here). Gent works primarily on commissioned projects such as book cover design, editorial illustration and children’s book illustration. He also works on self-authored projects such as this. Started in 2018, Gent’s ongoing series presents reactions to the work of Archaic Greek poet Sappho, born in Lesbos around 620BC. Much of Sappho’s poetry has literally disintegrated over time to the point where only fragments, sometimes just single words, have survived, leaving plentiful space for projection and interpretation.















Owen Gent’s Website

Owen Gent on Instagram

Booooooom Shop: Tomorrow’s Talent 4

Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!

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