
Call to Submit: Array 3 — Art & Photo Zine

If you haven’t already grabbed it, make sure you go over to our shop and download the second issue of Array! It’s Free! Now we’re ready to accept submissions to our second issue, Array 3!

For our regular art and photo spotlights, we’ve always asked to see a body of work—multiple images—either a series or a cohesive selection of images. This is still the case for our spotlights, but we’ve realized this approach can be limiting when people don’t have enough work that’s ready to share. So once again, we’re allowing single-image submissions to Array. Hopefully this makes it easier for you to submit!

Array 3 will present a mix of images, each one from a different artist or photographer. We’ll also share our fav images in articles on our site and on Instagram. The zine will be distributed through our email newsletter to try and get as many people to see the work as possible. If you think of a spotlight feature as a solo show, the Array zines are meant to be more like a group exhibition.

When you’re ready to submit, hit the button below!

*Log in to enable the submit button. This form is just for members, you can learn about becoming a member here.


Deadline extended to: 11:59PM PST on February 21, 2025

After the call closes, it will take approximately 2 months to go through the work and start to notify everyone who is selected.

We’ll compile our fav images from the submissions and publish them alongside a selection of the most memorable images from previous features. There is no theme, we are simply looking to feature the most eye-catching images. What is the one image that will make someone want to see more of your work?

You may submit standalone images or images which belong to a series. Photos, paintings, illustrations, anything you’ve got. Feel free to submit multiple times, just remember we always like to see your best work, and a maximum of one image per artist or photographer will be included in the zine.

*Log in to enable the submit button. This form is just for members, you can learn about becoming a member here.


Deadline extended to: 11:59PM PST on February 21, 2025

If you are unable to afford a membership, we are offering one-time submissions for people who are experiencing financial hardship. Head over here to fill out a request form and let us know about your situation. (Available until January 24, 2025) Once approved, you will be able to submit 1 image to this open call.

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Call to Submit: Array 3

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