
Ahmet Ogut

“River Crossing Puzzle”, an interactive installation by Ahmet Ogut.

river crossing puzzle by ahmet ogut interactive installation

River Crossing Puzzle

A bomb disposal technician, a suspicious bag, a soldier, two security dogs, a suicide bomber, his wife in wheelchair and his daughter have to cross a river. They have discovered a small boat. The small boat can carry only two people or one person and one dog or item at a time. The suspicious bag can not be left with anybody unless the bomb disposal technician is present. The suicide bomber can not be left with any of the dogs unless the soldier is present. The soldier can not be left with any of the suicide bomber’s family members unless the suicide bomber is present. Only the soldier, suicide bomber, and bomb disposal technician know how to use the boat. How would they cross the river?

river crossing puzzle by ahmet ogut interactive installation

river crossing puzzle by ahmet ogut interactive installation

river crossing puzzle by ahmet ogut interactive installation

river crossing puzzle by ahmet ogut interactive installation

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