
Fresh Letter Project

Fresh Letter Project
The new Booooooom project is here!

I wanted to launch a fun project before I left Hawaii so I spent the last couple days building a giant cork board at Fresh Café (located in the front of Loft In Space, which hosts Pow Wow).

The idea is to have people from all over the world create letters, photograph them, and physically mail the photos to the café! I shot a few sets of letters on the beach with some friends to kick it off.

Hopefully over time there will be a giant collection of these letters that people at Fresh Café can use to spell fun messages!

Fresh Letter Project

The letter “M” by 123Kids.

So here’s how it works:

1. Find or create a letter (or if you’re really feeling inspired create a whole alphabet).

2. Take a photo of your letter (vertical photos only). Try to make the letter fill as much of the photo as possible as it needs to be recognizable from a distance.

3. If you are on Twitter or Instagram you can do one of the following things (if you’re not, you can skip this step):

Share your photo on Instagram with the hashtag #freshletterproject

Tweet your photo on Twitter to @Booooooom

4. Make a 4” x 6” print of your photo. Use a marker to write your name on the back of the photo as well as the letter you created, your location, and Twitter/Instagram name if you use them.

5. Put the print in an envelope and write in big letters:




831 Queen Street

Honolulu HI 96813

United States


Fresh Letter Project

When visitors at Fresh Café make messages using your letters they will tag you on Twitter/Instagram that way you’ll get to see your letters being used! I will also select messages to post here on Booooooom!

Have fun!

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