
Booooooom Monthly Reader Submissions / June


Thank you all for submitting your work to the May Submissions post, and for leaving all of those nice comments to everyone else who submitted work. Please keep upvoting work you like, it really helps artists in this community. This way work that I may not feel is a fit for the site can still be seen, and everyone can get traffic to their personal websites.

Please share your work here during the month of June. The comments allow images to be attached so make sure post an image along with a link to your website.

Submission guidelines:
1. Please don’t flood the comments with a dozen images, just post 1 image that represents your best work along with 1 link.

2. If you see good work posted by someone upvote it so it appears at the top. This is not just a nice thing to do, it helps me see what work you actually like.

3. You can/should also encourage people who are sharing good work here! Comment on their posts and let them know you like what they’re doing. I really want to foster a community here, and this is a simple way you can connect with other people making work.

4. Keep in mind your post may not show up right away because it has an image attached. It may need to be manually approved first so don’t freak out and post a million times, once is enough.



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Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!

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